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ITHE TI E W WASHINGTON ASHINGT N TIMES TIMES SUNDAY SUkOAY SEPTEMBER SEPT MBER 11 1904 904 SBANQUET AWAiTS AALTSSEAIiIRT i iSEASEA SEAIiIRT IT TEAMS TEKThey TEAM TEAMThey TEAMSTheyThey Will Be Guests of Dis District District District trict National Guard GuardMAY GuardMAYBE GuardMAYMAY MAYBE BE ON THURSDAY NIGHT NIGHTMilitia NIGHTMilitia NIGHTMilitiaMilitia Work Expected to Gain G1 n Impe Impetus Impetus Impetus tus From From Observations Observa onsMade Hade at atHanassas atManassas atManassasManassas Maneuvers ManeuversPreparations ManeuversPrep ManeuvorsPreparationsPreparations Prep rationll are being made for a ban banquet banQuet banquet quet to the members of the District militia militiarifle militiarl militiariflerifle rl e team which won honors at the recent recentmeeting recentmeeting recentmeetingmeeting of the National Rifle Associa Assoclation Association As ocla oclatlon tion at Sea Girt Ofilciato of the Guard Guardsay Guardsay Guardaaysay they will not ftx the date of the thespread thesprOAd theapreadspread until General Harries and the theother theother theotherother officers who went to Gainesville GainesvilleVaVa to witness the war r maneuvers re return return return turn to Washington WashingtonThe WashingtonThe WashingtonTheThe team men will arrive in Wash Washington Washington ash ashIngton ington tonight or tomorrow morning morningand mornlngland morningandand the banquet will be glvon this week weekpresumably weekJ weekpresumablyThe sol soldiers soldlerg aoldiers presumably J > Thursday Thursda nightdiers will be welcomed with toasts and andspeeches andspeecho andapeechosspeeches will JJl be made by General Har Harries Hnrnes Harries ries Colonel Brett and other officers officersGeneral officersGeneral officersGeneralGeneral Harries and tho Guard officers officerswho officerswho officerswhowho accompanied ac ompanled him to the scene of ofthe atthe ofthethe third battlo of Bull Run left camp campat campat campatat Galnasvillo yesterday osterda Immediatelyaster Immediately Immediatelyafter Immediatelynafter n r the grand review They The were In Inheivy Inhely inhatiqheivy marching order carrying with withthjm withthtJm withthbmthjm blankets shelter tents mess kits kitshaversacks kitShneroncka kitshaversackshaversacks and will 111 make their way wayhome wa wahom wayhonthome hom on tho horses which Were used inmaking in inmaking Inmakingmaking to the trip to Manassas They Theyreached ThlYrenchoo Theyreachedreached Fairfax last evening and andbivouacked andblouaoked andblvouaokedbivouacked there until early this morning morn mornIng mornIngIng It is expected that they tho will ar arrive arre arrive rive re in Washington Wa hlngton about 9 oclock this thismorning thismornlna thismorningmorningResult of Observations ObservationsGeneral ObservationsGeneral ObservationsGeneralGeneral Harries and Colonel Brett BrettAdjutant BrettAdjutant BrettAdjutantAdjutant General of the Guard expect expectgreat oxpectgreat expectgreatgreat things as a result of tho week of ofobservation orobMrvatI1n ofobservationobservation at Gainesville Gain oslll e Every of officer otficer offlcer ficer upon to do Important duty Each morn mornIng morn1nl morningIng 1nl they were sent out with lth pads and andpencils andPe1cjs andpencilspencils to Jot down what they thought thouehtTVRS thouahtwas thoughtwaswas worthy worth of note not and in the evening eveningeven eveningeor eveningeveryeven eor man made a report to Colonel ColonerBrett ColonelBrett j jBrettBrett on the observations of the day dayThe dayThe dayTheThe medical officers Inspected the vari various varlous various ous camys oam s daily and made reports to tohoaflauarters tohea tobeadguartershoaflauarters hea lURrters The drills morning ex exercises exercIses oxerelsea ercises guard mounts and hiking on onthe onthe onthethe road and almost everything done doneby doneb donebyby b the regulars and guardsmen from all allthe allthe allthethe S States Stlltes ea were e re minutely observed and andit an andit d dItit is bdua 1tdU b od that a number of changes changeswill chanJ chanJwill changeswillwill b iJaVinade bmado made ih the Guard as a resoltbf resoltbfthe resull resdkofthe of ofthethe reports r reports rts made li by b the officers who whomade whomade whomacemade the tour of inspection inspectionSea InspectionSea InspectionSeaSea Girt Teams CriticisedAthoudk Criticised CriticisedAthou CriticisedAthouPftAthou AthouPft h th the members of the rifle rifleteams riftetearu rifleteamsteams which whIch represented Iene8 ted the local mili militia mlUtla mliitia tia at I t Sea Girt did better than they the were wereex wereex wereexex ex rcted c exi w wt r without practice exfcapt ex eptmatches wero weroshut Wero81ht were weresittdays before the41 shut dissatisfaction dis aUsCacUon is expressed here herebtauae herebtau herebtbtauae btau bt ause several of the new new man felldown fell falldcvn felldcwndown miserably seme of them making makingIS35 IS out hJt of f a pol powifclg poIIIt1 lble 18 JW 110 in matches in inwhich Inwhkh inwhichwhich they tht > pa41ayratO pa41ayratOr patJcU tofi tofiVIT to tomeGeorge E EOiU ECI EleesVIT r some me uafcnrtwft uuknnfnroason reasonOiU CI lees i who took a a number of prizes prizeswixiU prizeswi prizeswnifvwixiU wi k shooting under lIui r the colors of a aXw a aNw aNwNw York rifle rift aasodation and Lieutenants Lieu Lleute1111ts Lieutertnts tenants Farrow Farro 1 arrow and ad Dennlson were leftoff the teams tam that wereWashington to S SeA a Girt The team men menwere menWfrfo menwerewere not selected this year ear by the scores scoreswhich scoreshich scoreswhichwhich hich they the made In preliminary work workbut workbl workbttbut bl t General Harries chose them from a alift a allrt aliftlift l which hieh was handed him himraptaln himCaptaln himtaptainraptaln Skinner tnnr who was vu selected to totake tota totaltctake ta toe t rH place of one 1 ot f tHe three men mennude menmsdle mennnnude nn 1e 35 3 In the theregimontall regimental match on Fri Friday FridAY Friday day Harrow Dennison Dennl on and Cook have havene bav bavne havenerbelow 75 or 80 80In 80In 80Inknown tone ner PI r IWK be t goIn thi this n nlltcll Atc > i and with these points the theDistrict theDtrlct theDistthe thoMarines th th1larIhes theMarinesDist District rlet tam would have beatenMarines Marines out in the match Other inataaoos In InstMQes InstARonstMQes cf c the same me order have been beencited beencited beencitedcited by aid riflemen who say sa that allchances all allchances allcltaaeeschances of winning wlnnl 1 the muchcoveted muchcovetedtrophies muchcovetedtrops muchcovetedtrotrophies tro hlY at Sea S Girt were practically practicallythrown pract1 practicallyThrown ly ly1hrownthrown Thrown away awa by the selection of three threeuntried thret1untrled threeuntrieduntried and unseasoned u ned men for the thematches themat1lhos thernatsltesmatchesHard Work in Store StoreWith StoreWlth StoreWithWith the the Sea Girt and Gainesville Galn08 llll + conting9 con contingflwt contlnKWashington Wasblnf ton week the theGuard theGuar4 theGuardtingflwt tlnK ting9 ftts its in npxtGuard will have its regular fall awaken awakoning awukonIng awakeninging and much hard work is in sto stoTor stotor store storeforTor the men this winter winterThe winterThe winterTheRoad Roadnear Roadnoar RoadnearThe range on the Hamiltonnear AnaoostiR has h been fitted up with withbRokwton withaa backstop b oc tot and the th Guardsmen will do dotheir dotheir dotheirtheir regular qualification shooting onit on onit onItit tbrdttgnout t out the months of October OctoberNovember OctoberNovemberNovember Noemb and December This will willbe willbo willbebe the first ftr t outside out tde work they tbe have liavedone havedonedone for almost almo t a year as they were weredriven weredrlven weredriven Idriven from Ordway Range by the theMaryland theMaryiand the1ltarylandMaryland Legislature Legllda ture and as soon as asthuy QIIthY astheythY began gn shooting hootlng on the new range rangecomplaints rangeeomplalnta I Icomcomplaints com pJlne were lodged by the inhabitants inhabi inhabitants tants of that section because becIL of bullets bulletsflying bulletsfilng bulletsEyingflying wild and landing in Ip bedrooms bedroomsand bedroomsandand parlors parlorsNew parlorsNew i iNewNew Range Perfected PerfectedMajor PerfectedMajorMajor 1 or James Jam E Bell inspector In pctor genoralOf gen glnoralot genoraloralOf oral of rifle rlO practice who has captained captainedthe captaInedthe captainedthethe j District 1 trlet Sea Girt teams for several severalyeaxp severalyears severalyearsyears but who was wa made a spotter spotterthis spotterthis spotterthisthis year by General Harries had the theproper theproper theproperproper improvements made and the therange therange therangerange is now in hrst nrstrdass etass ela condition conditionItIt 115 Is regarded as likely that a meeting meetingof meetingofof Che th National Rifle Association Associationeof Associationeofthe A8 ociau no nothe of ofthethe District District of Columbia Col inbla will be called callednext1 callednext callednextnext1 next1week next week and arrangements made for fora torQ foraa sorlag s of matches to be held on the thenew thenew thenewnew new range during tbe last week of S Sep Septombv Septomberor p ptombortombor tomberor or the Hnat Sl t of October OctoberThose OctoberThOBe OctoberTheseThose matches are held annually annukl and andhandsome andhandsome andhandsomehandsome prizes are given by officersof officers officeraof officersofof til the Guard and the business bu ltle men uf ufth uttht7 ofthethe th tht7 4lty l4 Because > of the lack of prac pracUcefiml prac1ke prec1icegadUcefiml 1ke nd th tine complaints doubt was expree8d ex expre x xprsrftprsrft pre hd d regarding ref ardingg the possibility po lbl1lty or a ameat ameet asetpree8d meat set but it t is I s believed wed that it t will be beheld beheld beheldheld ana s lid just ju t as a many man contestants oont 8tants ae aeover aeY8r asoverover Y8r will eater eaterDR eaterDR eaterDRDR HERRAN BURIED BURIEDIN BURIEDIN BURIEDININ NEW YORK CEMETERY CEMETERYDfVDfV Thomas Herran rests in a grave in inthe Inthe Inthethe 1 lead nd of his kl adoption adoptionIgnored adoptionIgnored adoptionIgnoredIgnored by b his home government the theColombian theColombian theColobabianColombian charge daffaires was > un unablo unnb1eto unableable nb1eto to endure the snubs nub heaped h ped upor uporhtm upo upohim upocbbnhim by the country to whoso service tic tichad hI hIhad hehadhad devoted aev td most of his life 11 to His health healthbroke healthbreke healthbrakebroke and on September 1 he died In a aNow aNOW aWW Now w York sanitarium sanitariumThe san1tar1WtLTbjtTbp The Slate Stat Department offered to send sendthe sendthe sendthethe lwd poY Oayot of tbe distinguished dl Ungul bod diplomat diplomatist dlplomatJst diplomatlet out let J fto > > Colombia on a warship but hi hifamily his hla1liUpuY hisfjuilyfamily declined tho offer offerThe offerThe orrerThBThe funeral services were hold several severaldays soveraldays severaldaysdays ago a o at the Church of Our Laity La of oftha ofth ofththa th Lourdes L urdes in New York and burial burialfollowed burl burialfollowed 111 111toUowedfollowed ia a a Catholic thole cemetery in The TheBronx TheBronx TheBronxBronx BronxOnly BronxOnly BronxOnlyOnly the family famll of Dr Herran and afew a afew afewfew intimate friends rrten scr scrvlces Strvices aervicesvices and the burial took place wltu s slittle so solittle I Il1tUelittle ceremony cerem ny that it escaped sc poo the no notice ntlice noice ice ice of the New York newspapers newspapersrrrrA UNIQUE CHARACTER 1 I 1 iI JOE THE TURK TURKKnown TURKKnown 1Known All Over the Country as One of the Picturesque Picture que Figures of the Salva Salvation Salvation Salvation tion Army He Is Now in WashingtonSETTLEMENT SETT URGED BY BYCOLUMBIA BYGOLUr Y YtIIItJMBlACOLUMBIA GOLUr BIA TYPOS TYPOSDecline TYPOSDecline TYPOSDeclineDecline to Indorse Boycott of Electric ElectricCars ElectriCarn ElectricCarsCars and Marine Ma ne Band BandWant BandWantHarmony BandWantHarmony Want WantHarmonyHarmony HarmonyColumbia HarmonyColumbia HarmonyColumbiaColumbia Typographical Union has hastaken hastaken hastakentaken important action in reference to tothe tothe tothethe controversy between the Marine MarineBand MarineBand arine arineBandBand and the local Musicians Union UnionThe tnlonThe UnionTheThe matter came before the union foran for foran foranan indorsement of the boycott against againstthe RtaInlitthe againstthethe Chevy Che Chase trolley line and resort resorton resorton resortonon complaint against the employment employmentthere employmentthere employmenttherethere of the Marine Band which is re regarded regarded regarded unfair organization by the theMusicians theMu theMusiciansgarded as 8 anMusicians Mu lclana Union UnionThe UnionThe UnionTheThe grievance committee of the Co Columbia Columbia Columbia lumbia Union after hearing statements statementsfrom atatements atatementsfrom Btnt8lI1entsfromfrom both sides recommended to o the theunion theunion e eunionunion that the musicians mu lclans be informed informedthat Intormedthat informedthatthat Columbia Union did not indorse indornethe Indo indorsethe rue ruethethe boycott or the fight against the Ma Marine Marine 1a 1arlne rine Band and advised adl ed the two organi organizations oraanlzatIoM organirations rations to make an effort to harmon harmonize harmonize ize their differencesGIRL PLAYS LIMIT LIIITAT LIMITAT I IATAT THE FARO TABLEGamblers in a Nevada Town Watch a aCalifornia aCalifornia aCaliforniaCalifornia Miss Lose All AllHer AllHer AllHerHer Money MoneyRENO MoneyRENO MoneyRENORENO Sopt 10 10The The rough and tumble tum tumble tumble ble life of prospectors miners and gamblers gam gamblers gamblers blers of Goldileld Gold eld the bustling new minIng min mining minIng ing city clt of Nevada was changed for a ashort ashort ashortshort time last night when Miss Nlvensa Nivensa n young woman from California strode strodeinto stodeInto strodeintointo one of the largest gambling halls hallsand hallsand hallsandand started to play pIa the limit at the faro farotable tarotable farotabletable tableInterest tableInterest tableInterestInterest at once centered around the theyoung theyoung theyoungyoung woman She played for two hours hoursand hourHand hoursandand rt t t t ono time her winnings amounted amountedtoto nearly ntarl J2000 OOO Then hor luck changed changedand changedlnd changedandand her last cent was lost She parted partedwith partedwith partedwithwith WjQ ZI 500 all the money she had with withher withher withherherIBedroonrvFurniture Bedroom BedroomFurnitureI1 Furniture FurnitureLL We are particularly strong strongJ strongonJ on Furniture for the sleeping sleepingw sleepingroom sleepingroomw room and show such a large largevariety largevariety largevarietyvariety of patterns and grades gradesi gradesthat gradesthat= that no matter whetheryour yourI yourdesire yourZ1H ti I V A toMI r i 8 > N v 111 desire is for the modestly Plainl plain plainoror elaborately handsome mod moderate modLS moderate LS c l erate or high priced we aresure are aresure aresuresure to have something to suityou suit suityou suityouyou Every requirement for forthe forthe forthethe Bedroom is here Full FullSuites FullSuites FullQSuites Odd Dressers Wash Washstands Washstands WashstandsQ stands Chiffonieres Ward Wardrobes Wardrobes Wardt Wardrabes trobes Cheval Mirrors Toilet ToiletabIes Toiletables1 ables Costumers etc etcin in all woods Quality considered our ourprices ourprices ourpricesprices in every instance will be found lower than elsewhereIIE JUETHE THE TOKKSpeaks TUHK TUHKIN TUHKININ WASHINGTON WASHINGTONSpeaks ASHINOTONSpeaksSpeaks Tonight at Salvation SalvationArmy SalvationArmy SalvationArmyArmy Hall Halli HallTALES HallTALESTALES i ALES OF HIS PERSECUTION PERSECUTIONJudgeJudge lUdge Converted Co verted Who Sentenced Him Himfor Himfor Himforfor Contempt of ofCourt ofCourt ofCourtCourtCrowds Court CourtCrowdsCrowds Crowds are nightly flocking to the lIt lltle lIttle littletle le Salvation Army Hull at Tenth Stree Streend Str Strnnd Streeend >end nd Pennsylvania Avenue In order rder to toioar tvhoar tohoarhoar ioar Adjutant J Garabld or Joe the theCurk theTurk theTurkTurk to toll of his conversion to Chris Chrlsianlty Christianity Christianitytianity and subsequent persecution persecutionAdjutant persccutlonAdjutant persecutionAdjutantAdjutant Garabld was born In Armen Armenia Armenta ta ia in 185S and was one of three chll chllIren ehl1dren childrendren of a native Armenian minister Hewas educated and raised in Constanti Constantinople Conatantlnople Con tantr tantrnople nople where he resided tit tho outbreak outbreakof ouibreaI ouibreaIorof the RussianTurkish war warAt warAt warAtAt the close clo e of the conflict he went wentto wentfO wenttoto Russia thinking it to be a liberal liberalcountry liberalcountIJ liberalcountrycountry and one where he could escape escapepersecution escapopersocutlon escapepersecutionpersecution persecutionII was disappointed said he e forRussia forRussia for torRussiaRussia If anything was worse thanTurkey than thanTurkey thanTurkeyTurkey as aslu u home of crime I stayed Jn JnRussia 1nRussIn inRussiaRussia only onl a few months and thcrcame then thencame thencamecame to AmericaSoon AmericaSoon America AmerlclLSoonSoon after landing I saw a little littlegroup littlerou littlegroupgroup rou of Salvation Army Ann workers parad parading parading paradmg ing the streets I could speak no English Eng English English lish and hence knew nothing of the thepurpose the thepurpose h hpurposepurpose of their gathering but I was at attracted attract attracted tracted tract d by the music and followed them themConverted themConverted themConvertedConverted to Faith FaithII marked their meeting house In any anymemory m mmemo mymemorymemory memo and every cvor evening went to the thehall ththall thehallhall and listened Gradually Gnuiuall the ob object obJect object ject of tho meetings dawned upon meand me meand mt mtandand I began bel n to long for conversionAs conversionAa conversion onverliJlonAAs A yet I could pray only in Turkish Turkishbut Turkishbut Turkishbutbut I was learning the Englishlan language e and three years later lattrenlhltoo lattrenlhltooIn enlisted enlistedInIn the army armyAt arm armI armyAtAt that time the persecution we un underwent unI underwent Iderwent was terrible One night a abund abandIband of us were slashed seven timeswith knives while kneeling In prayer prOo r on onthe onthe onthethe San Francisco streets While Whilestanding Whilestanding VhlleBtandlngstanding In the door of the meeting meetinghouse meetinghouse meetinghousehouse 1 was one day struck b a stone stonewhich stonewhIch stonewhichwhich broke my m nose I was once struck struckwith struckwith struckwithwith a cane while praying and Id I have havescars havescars havescarsscars all allover over my head from stones and andblows andblows andblowsblows blowsII have been arrested fortyninetimes forstreet and although often confined In InJail Injail InjailJail I always won my case caseFive caseF1ve caselveFive of us were one night arrested arrestedInIn Portland Wis and four of the theparty theparty thepartyparty were sentenced to ten days d s In Inthe Inthe Inthethe East Portland city JailContempt of Court CourtII for saying Praise the Lord when whensentence whenIntence whensmtencesentence was pronounced was given givenfifteen glvon glvonfifteen givonfifteenfifteen additional days day the Judge hold holding holdIng holding ing me in contempt of courtWhile court courtWhile courtWhileWhile In Jail we held dally meetings meetingsconverting meetingsconerUng meetingsconvertingconverting many man of the prisoners un until until until til the fact became known to the au authorities uuthorltloe authorltiss thorities and we were released rele sed The Thecontlnement Theconfinement Theconfinementconfinement was afterward adjudged adjudgedillegal adjudgedmegal adjudgedillegalillegal by b the Supreme Court and the thejudge thejudge thejudgejudge who sentenced me has since been beenconverted beenctonvorted beenconvertedconverted and is now on earnest worker workerII have traveled all allover over the world In Inmy Inmy Inmmy m work making converts everywhereand everywhere everywhereand everywhereandand suffering untold persecution I Ihave 1have Ihavehave been n followed by mobs stonedstabbed stoned stonedstabbed stonedstabbedstabbed and shot at but It only onl makes makesme makesme makesmeme stronger In my resolve to serve the theLord tbeLord theLordLord LordAdjutant LordAdjutant LordAdjutantAdjutant Garabld has served three threetimes threetimes threetimestimes as a delegate to the IntematlonRemorse Causes Thief ThiefTo ThiefTo ThiefToTo Refund Retuhdand Refuhd and Confess ConfessNorther ConfessNorther ConfessNortherNorther After Dealing 800 and Getting Away AwayUndetected AwayUndetected vay vay1t1t 1tUndetectedUndetected Yieided Yielded to His Conscience ConscienceReturns ConscienceReturns ConscienceReturnsReturns Voluntarily to PunishmentNEW HAVEN HAVE Sept 10 10Stung Stung by b re remcrse remcrac remcrsemcrse for his offense Albert H North Norther Northcr Norther er eighteen lghteeneurs years old son of a super superintendent suporIntpndont superintendent intendent of a n brass foundry In n Water Waterbury Waterbury WaterbUrbury bUr who stole 800 SOl and tied ed to St Louis Louishas Louisbas Louishashas bas returned the money and Is now nowbound nOWbound nowboundbound for his home In Waterbury In Intending IntendIng intending tending to face the man he robbed and andsuffer andsuffer nndsutrersuffer the consequences consequencesNorther consequencesNorther consequencesNortherNorther was arrested In St Louis athis at athis athishis own request and his return to Wa Waterbury Waterbury Va terbury Is his voluntary act uc A W WGlover V VGlover r rGloverGlover Glover of Louisville Ky K a tobacco tobaccobroker tobaccobroker tobaccobrokerbroker found t Und Norther on a train bound boundto boundto boundtoto St Louis kneeling In prayer and andwetping andwerinS andweepingweepingConfessed His CrimeTo T > Glover Norther related the story storyof storyof storyofof his wrongdoing wrongdoing and Glover advisedhim advised advisedhim advisedhimhim to return the money mone which he did didafter didafter didafterafter giving himself up to the authori authorlties authorities uthorlties = ties tiesLouisLouis HUBS a marketman of Water Waterbury Waterbury Waterburybury gavo the money to Miss Alice Connerton Con Connerton Connortonnerton his bookkeeper to take to her herhouse herhouse herhousehouse when the store closed last Sat Saturday Saturday Saturday urday night nightMls nightalias nIghtl1sltMls alias l1slt Connerton called on the family familyof familyot familyofof John T Egan leaving the package packageofof money mono with her hat on the table In Inthe Inthe inthethe reception room When she went for forher torher forherher hat shortly short1 afterward the package packageofof money was goneWomen gone goneWomen goneWomenWomen Prostrated hy byLoss byLossNo Loss LossNo LossNoNo one was seen to enter the house houseThe houseTheThe loss of the money mone prostrated beth bethMiss bpth bpthMiss bpthMssMiss Connerton and Mrs Egan both of ofwhom ofwhom ofwhomwhom feared that public opinion opinIon would wouldhold wouldhold wouldhold Ihold them responsible responsibleThe responsibleThe responsibleTheThe police searched In vain aln for a a clue clueThere cluftThere clueThereThere was none until on Tuesday Tucsda morn morning morntne morning ing HUBS Hu received a telegram from A AW A AW AWW Glover in St Louis asking If he had hadlost hadlost hadlostlost anything Huss telegraphed the na nature nature nature ture of his loss l ss A return telegram said saidWe saidWeWe 0 sent package by b express with jal Salvation Army Arm congress at Crystal CrystalPalace Crysta1Palace CrystalPalacePalace London and has held meetings meetingsInIn every city elt of any size In the United UnitedStates UnitedStates UnitedStatesStates Although a naturalized citizen citizenof citizenor citizenofof the United States he dresses In hisnative his hisnative hisnatlenative costume when holding a meet meeting meetIn meeting ing In lf which 1Ich gives him an Old World air airo lr lrofo of 01 > plctureaquencss plctureaquencssAdjutant plcturequencssAdjutant picturesquenessAdjutantAdjutant Garabld speaks and sings In InEnglish InEnglish inEnglishEnglish i 7cnch > eneh German Swedish Rus Russian Russian Russian sian Chinese Armenian and Turkish TurkishCourse TurkishCourse TurkishCourseCourse of Lectures LecturesHis LecturesHisHis talk tonight will be about his sis sister sister sister ter who was as converted fourteen years earsago and Is now a a missionary In Ar Armenia Armenia ArmenIa menia meniaTomorrow menIaTomorrow meniaTomorrowTomorrow night Frank Curtis Roper Ropertho Roperthe Roperthotho fourmonthsold baby bab of Ensign EnsignRoper EnsignRoper EnsignRoperRoper in charge of the local division divisionwill divisionwill dhlslonwlllwill be dedicated to the Lord by the ad adjutant adjutant adjutant jutant and the story of the conversion conversionofof the judge will be toldAdjutant told toldAdjutant toldAdjqtantAdjutant Garabid loaves Washington Washingtononon Tuesday T1 esda for Philadelphia New York Yorkand Yorkand Yorkandand other ther Eastern cities where he Is Isscheduled Isscheduled isscheduledscheduled to hold meetingsMRS meetings meetingsMRS IMRS MARY BATES DEAD DEADWESTMINSTER DEADWESTMINSTER DEADWESTMINSTERWESTMINSTER Sept 10 10Mrs Mrs Mary MaryDe MaryDe MaryDeDe La Roche Bates widow of Major MajorFrancis MajorFrancis YnjorFrancisFrancis Bates U S A died suddenly suddenlythis suddenlythis suddenlythisthis morning at Winchester Place this thiscity thiselt thiscitycity elt of heart trouble She had been beensubject beensubjectsubject to heart disease for some time timeHer timeHer timeHerHer home was In n Georgetown D CIr a lexactly like cut very handsome Bed Bedpretty DedJ fledprettyOak Bedroom SuiteJ bevel plato platemirror QriS O r rmirrorFrenchmirror pretty J > rettyDressor and Dresser swell top with drawers large and washstand washstandto 2 OOJ OOJI 6 o oJ 8 5I to match A A special value alue for forIhigh back brace bracearms ChairJ Oak Diningroom 1 15arms good finish andvery and very ery strong Special J f Jf1 4 Special Se S SJ > Je J of Metal MetalBeds MetalBeds I Ii= 8 Beds and 2i Bedding BeddingItf It will i pay P you U to anticipate e your needs in these t g goods OS andbuy and andUUJ andbuyWe Vi special values in Metal Beds andBedding and andBeddingbuy UUJ now tlU TTV e Ulk are VMHI11I offering lllUlljr many OpWV OpWVBeddingBedding that you will find it impossil impossilinij impossible to duplicate Our show showin showisinij in is made up of the very latest designs and includes a wide range rangeof rangent rangeofnt ofez White 1Vilite Enameled Bed single or ordoublu ordoublu ordedoublu size ii Uf at tal t de fr Q r n V Vvery5g r sign al g n hcty heJY posts P Pvery oats and andvcr 2 3 5very vcr strong only onlyMetal onl onlMetal onlyhh Metal Bed choice of tree ttrec colorse1ry colors colorsheavy colorsheheavy he h c a a v y continuous continuoustesta oj rv p ppostse1ry eN posts 1 1J testa very ver pretty IlrellYpattern troll J > X 8 50 l lpatternpattern only onl VJe JVrJBrass Bed foot henuhoavheavy hoav posts and C Qk r I f f fknobsknobs k nab n o b 8 specially speciallyreduced 2 21 ri 1 I 50 50reduced 5 SlB SlBreduced 7V 7VGood 0reduced to toGood toGoodGood Quality Husk Mattress cot cotton cotton cotton ton top heavy tick ticking At ing tOR all sizes I special I vj 3 4 fI 4 45 JKSG38 I will write you particular tomor teneorrow tomorrow row A W V WAVER aiOVBRThen WAVERThen GLO1EJtrhenThen came news of th t e arrest o oNorther of ofNorther ofNortherNorther which was even more oC a tarprise Bar Barprise 1AIrprlseprise than the return of the jn jnNorther coney coneyGlovers OIMy OIMyNGlovers rNorther N h8h had Jtelol followed Miss Connerton Connertonfrom loanertoetfromfrom from the HUH store ator on tbe night ot the toerobbery therobbttr therobberyrobbery robbttr saw her enter the Sgan E R Rwhere hMi house housewhere e ewherewhere he was unable to resist 1M thetemptatlq th thtemptatiqn 1M1ftemptatiqn to take the h pack package with wluwhich withwhicheth ethh ethcd = hoard hoardedwhich he fan an from 1f the house o and board boardeded the first train for St Louis LouisNorther LouisNortherNorther thought he wa was nutrias t1i rh the theHuss theHuss theHuss IHuss home wuen he took tile money JIIODeyHuss moneyHuss I IHussHuss received the express pwcage acc cu cutalnm cutainmg I Itainingtaining talnm the 68 P which waa accompaniedby accompanied t tby I Ibyby the following note from lfonlkr lfonlkrYouths NortherYouths orth r rYouthsYouths Letter of Confession ConfessionTrain ConfessionTrain CODfes ion ionTraInTrain No IS Big Four RouteI I MOLLouis HUM Hu butcher Waterbury va terbury Conn ConnDear l ban banDearDear Sir InclOllId Indo d you will And Andwhiah ftndwblQh fall fallwhieh > 1whiah is your 001 property taken by me mefrom mefrom I Itromfrom your home on Saturday night l bt I Idid Idid Idid this without thtnfclnt of what u I Iwatt IWWJ Iwaswatt doing awl after tter realizing realtzi g what 1 ihad 1had 11 11lhad l ad done I sent it back to > you youI v > u uI II hope ho that you wilt w wait t until I see seeyou ee eeyou e eOUyou OU before you take ta e any action about aboutthis aboutthis aboutthisthis I am sorry that I took the money moneyand 1non moneyand y i iandand I send it back at on oae owe a Uk asking k u utoto forgive m me Ko Your truly trulyALBERT trul trulALBERT trulyALBERTALBERT H NORTHER NORTHERNorther NOItTHERNorther ORTHERNortherNorther hn been known as a wild wildyoung wlic1ount wildyoungyoung ount man but has never been in men mena sucha eh ehaa serious scrape before HUM says A h hdoes h6 h6dues hedoesdoes not ex expect > ct to proeecute proeecuteThe pM pr eCUte eeeuteThe eCUtelheThe St Louis at his own request reque t to enable him to toreturn toreturn toreturnreturn to Waterbury Waterbut7at at t oaee on one to take takehis tak takhts takehishis punishment punishmentChief punishmentChiefChief of Police Egan n Mid kl today todayI todaI am certain that if Nortfcer hadkept had hadkept badkeptkept quiet we would never have been beenable beenable beenableable to solve the mystery His remorse remorseful remonetul remorseful ful confession even at so late an hcnr hcnris hearIs hcnrIsis certainly deserving of some coiuAeration contjd contjderation CODS CODSeratloneration as an extenuating circumstance circumstanceBut clrcumat cireumsttinceBut l1ce l1ceButBut I believe that because becau e of the Ute30ns per pdrnoe persons sons who have been made to suffer in innocently Innocently innocently nocently by worry worr over this affair young youngNorther YOUDgNorther youngNortherNorther should receive some punishmeat punish punishment punibmentn meat mentnHUM1 H U N1SrHAN GETS ET8ElTEO ET8ElTEOSIIOOTS TOED TOEDFires EXCiTEOANDAND SHOOTS GOr OMPAIO p NION NIONFires 1 t tFiresIFires at Bhi in Line With Man inBoatLatter in inBoat inBoatLatterBoat BoatLatter Latter May Lose LoseEyesight LMieEyesight LoseEyesightEyesight EyesightDERBY EyesightDERBYI IDBRBYDERBY Conn S Se Sept 0t t ML 10A A young yotrasman youngman Iman who gives the name of LIbbflty LI and andhis aa4his andhishis residence at Stratford was seriously serfrusiyshot seriouslyshotshot by a young man named rned Andrew AndrewMcTaggart ADcteWreTaggart AndtewMcTaggart IMcTaggart on Farm Hill River near nearPine neatPine nearPinePine Rock Park at noon noonThe noonThe noonTheThe two young oung men went out hunting huntingIn hufttl hufttlInIn two boats Libbey Llbbe was in tit the rear rearboat rearboo rearboatboat boo t and McTaggart in th the one ahead aheadA aheadA aheadAA bird arose between be woen the boats and andMcTaggart andIcTttggart andMcTaggartMcTaggart fired tiredLibbey firedLibbey firedLibbeyLibbey saw the gun aimed directly at athim athim athimhim and threw up his right arm which whichwas whichwa whichwaswas wa riddled with shot together with withhis withhis withhishis chest and the right side of his face faceHe faceHe faceHeHe will probably J > robabl lose the sight of his hisleft hisleU hisleftleft eyeCHEMISTS COMINGTOSEE COMING COMINGTOTO TOSEE SEE CAPITAL CAPITALRijirtd CAPITALRRijirtd R Rsu I6 1 of s Rteasune teasure Plannedf Planned Plannedfifr PlannedforVisiForsfifr forVisiFors forVisiForsPROF f t Visifors VisiforsPROF V is Cors CorsPROFPROF WILEY III I J CHARGE CHARGECaWn ablTRGECaWn CHARGE CHARGECabin>CaWn Jgha Brf Bra s f RatMeher1 Hoarichs HoarichsBrewaty HourichsBrew8Iy HaurichsBrewetyBrewaty an and Mount Vernon in inthe int1Ie inthethe Intinerary IntineraryCtoesftists IntineraryCbeatIi IntinesaryChemistsChemists CbeatIi 8 from every ter clime including includingAustralia IncludingAustralia Ind diJ1g diJ1gAuatraAuatra Australia a India the th Straits Straits Settle Settlement S4tUfnantand Settlementand m nt ntandand In fact every part p r of th the glibe glibewill gl lbe lbewW be beUwW U invade th the Capital City Clt on n Tu Tues Tutc1aY TuesSay s sySay y and will leave I ave nj nl portion unexptor unexptorfrom un unexplored xpJiored 4 from the t 1 Potomac PotQm water which whichnnot whichcannot widencannotcannot nnot reasonably be called t the thefashlngton theWashlngton theWashingtonWashington baseball baM ball field and t tram tllI1Whicb tramwhich im imhichwhich hich ha has chemical properties pNJe Just jutas jutasUnkue ju t as asimkiu asunun imkiu UnkueA imkiuA It UE UEAA local committee with Dr IT W WWiley WHey Wtt Wiley Hey chief chemist of f the rnuted rnutedStates n4ed n4edI t tstatesStates Government G vernn nt as chairman hasbeen has haseen hasteenIteen een appointed to guide ruhle the paint brush brushwith brushwith rWlh rWlhii with which w the visitors will wH lecrate secrtethe decoateI the ton The first fi t daub will take the thecrm thei thetermIterm crm of a ride on Ut tt Seeing Wasninjf Wasninjfor Ra Yani1gton ning ningtoniton or carp at 9 ocloCK JcI ron on will bo b served ser d at Heurich > s i Brwwy Brwwyt Brwt = ty1 at t 1 p m after aft r which the chemists chemistsvil citctnistswI hmblt3ii Will wI vil take a trolley tron y ride to Cabin johnBridge John JohnJridge jl > hll hllIBridge ridg In the even t evening ninc in j a oak walk waUcand wslkand walkandI and sm smoker ker will be held at l Ri ausch asca usc1rs usc1rslhe ts tsThe r s sTheThe next day will toe spent In isit 1sitIng isitng iaillnelne ng the public buildings Then th vis visitors 15 ishors 15ttors hors will take a trip to Mount Junt Very Vernon VernonIhe Verlluntbe on onthethe home of George Washington WashingtonNow WashingtonNow VashingtonNowNow in New York YorkThe YorkTbe YorkTheThe chemists are now In New Y York YIrtawaltJl Yorkawnltidg > rk rkawaitingawaiting awaltJl g the LnKinu bt ousimaw simsi session winchconvene winch wlUcheonven whichconvenesconvene eonven at that place v1a September SeteJD i 7Many iMalay iManyMany distinguished chemists from all allover allover alloverover over the world will be present at the thejenlng theop theopeningop opening jenlng nlnar of the session IWs > Jlon and th t h mere mereEC mtreaet mereactact EC of choosing the United States jus u a aplace aplace aplaceplace for the annual assemblage m in intself Intuelt toitselfitself a compliment complim nt and a recognition rt reco COn1Uln = niun of ofthe otthe ofthethe ever er Increasing number of American Ameilcanbers Amedcanbe11l Americanmm ubers bersIndeed several Americans are now nowranked nowranked nowrankedranked In the number of the > societys societysmost societysmost soc most distinguished st1nguiBh members As s a amark aaark astarkmark aark of further furth r ivcvj rCJgDitlon r rc Standing In the science scl elect Vttllam H Nichols prviueut pr of ofthe ofthe t tthethe General Ch micas Lompany u N Nrork Nt NtYork v viorkYork a as its Ie president pres deAt to succeed Sir SirWlUkun Si SiWIU SirWlUlantWlUkun WIU Ramsay Rarnsa who was knighted knl httd by byKing byKI byKingKing KI Edward EdwardProminent EdwalProminent EdwaroProminentProminent Americans AmericansAmong AmericansAJ AmericansAmongAmong AJ onIf the prominent American mem members memr members bers r of ofthe th society soc1t > t are Prof Ira Rem Remsen Rm1Wft Remsensen president of Johns Hopkins Hopl In > University Uni University tn1venlty versity who will this thi year receiv re phi old medal of the th society 9OCiet in recogni recognition r rcn ognl ognlttoa ognilloa tion of his skill Alexander C Hum Humphreys HumDIueYa tt ttpresdettphreys presideit Pre5d lt of Stevens Institute InstituteProf lnst InstituteProf tutl tutlProtProf Candler of Columbia UniversityThomas University CnlhlIuty11to1ltaS CntvtrartyThomasThomas A Edison Edi > lon and Dr Ernest J JOederle JGederte JGederleOederle OederleThe GederteThe GederleTheThe local committee > e on entertainmentconsists entertainment entertainmentconsists entertainmentooasJstconsists of H W V VTIlej Wile chairman chairmanMarcos clalrmanXalcn chairmanMarcusMarcos Benjamin Ik Benj T AL L Chatard David r > ivid id T Day E Rich Richards Rchards Recharde ards Fred P Dewey Dewe A W Dow DL W Edwin EdwinC FdwinC EdwinCC BekeL 1kkelWI11iam William S Ferris Henry X XStokes NStoltet XStokaStokes Max G Georgia orgie John J 1 Griffin ti tiIf W WH WHH Heiteman Lyman I F KebK Kf iL Samuel SamuelS S SamuelVeprbees muel muelSS Vofrhees V rb James B Lnwood LnwoodCharleS l Charles E Monroe R Output OutWJtr r and andHarry andHalT andHarryHarry HalT J PattersonThis Patterson PattersonThte Pattu9OftThIsThIs Is the first organization organiu UonlJll of its itskind it itskind 9 9tokind to visit Washington W ash wn and aP the localcommittee loral loralcommittee a 1 1committeecommittee Is putting forth every effort effortto efnrtto trort trorttoto make their brief stay both enjoyable enjoyableand enjoablEand enjoyableandand interesting InterestlDCOfiPLETE ASSORTMENTS IN EVERY LINEI LINE LINETfie = =I The knowledge that all qualities handled by us are of a reliable characterliberal character liberal terms of credit arranged to suit your yoUr personal rsona1 conv convenience conveniencewithout conveniencewithdut ence II IIwithduti withdut any extra chargecourteous charge courteous treatment and our guarantee of satisfaction to every custom cusromerar customer r3re are the advantages you you have by dealing hereWhen here hereinWhen in in JL JL JL Doubt SL r XJ H IL Ruv Buy m J at C U House 3L A J A J K V HerrthuinsI Herrmanns =Mission MissionITurniture t m mFurnitureFurniture FurnitureThe =The heavy sales we are hav hayina having having ing s on these goods evidences evidencesthe T Tthe JD JDthethe fact that th t this style of Fur Furniture Furniture Furniture niture is becoming daily morepopular more morepopular morepopularpopular it is also an evidence evidencethat Y Ythat f1l f1lthatthat our prices are marked at atthe atthe II IIthethe right figures figur We Ve e have re recently recenUy recently 5 5ternscently received many new pat patterns patterns terns terns in Mission Furniture of ofLibrary ofLibrary iiiLibrary and Card Tables Book BookCases BookCases BookCasesCases Chairs Rockers R kers Settees SetteesPlate Scitees1 Scitees1Plate SetteesPlatePlate Racks Hanging C Cabinets C1 Cabinetsetc inets inetsetc r i ietcetc They make an elegant elegantfurnishing elegantfurnishing JIZt JIZtfurnishingfurnishing for the Library Sittingroom or Den uuu match nice nicely nicely RfJia JiaIIly 1 with any other woodIIMagnificent t Showing Showingof ShowingofNew I IofofNew of New NewFloor II IIFloorFloor Coverings CoveringsVith C Jr JrWith > iWith Vith a larger stock than we e have ever had before and every everypossible IQ IQwe rnf rnfpossible t tpossiblepossible arrangement for the showing shoran of textureand texture and color of goods goodslarge s z zwewe are better prepared than ally other store in this city to supplyyour supply supplyyourLinoleum Oilcloth Matting etc You Youwell Y Oll Ollwillneeds in Carpets Rugswill your find here herelarge Rugs of every ever y dimension from the small mat to the th > r II IIlargelarge floor size and Carpets are to be had in every ever grade of Ingrain IngrainTapestry Ingrain1s it itTapestryTapestry TapestryNo Brussels 1s Velvet Axminster Savonierre etc etcNo etcNoNo Extra Charge for Sewing Laying and andli Lining 1ing oersteNr II IIS S 2ff7e9595c